PreK 2024–2025
If your child will be 4 years old on or by September 30, 2024, you can visit one of the schools below from March 18-March 22 to apply for 2024-25 prek.
(Westside) Boley, Crosley, Calhoun, Drew, Highland, Lenwil, Pinecrest, Riser, Woodlawn
(Eastside) Jack Hayes, Lakeshore, Robinson, Shady Grove, Sterlington, Swartz Lower, Swayze
Documents that you will need to provide for a complete registration:
(incomplete packets will not be accepted)
TWO (2) consecutive wage statements from the month of or month preceding the application date for EACH working parent in the home
OR SNAP/Food Stamp printout with all family names shown
OR Foster Care agreement from DCFS
OR Letter from employer (signed/dated) stating the average number of hours worked per week and rate of pay
Questions? Call 235-8444
*You must live in Ouachita Parish (and not inside Monroe city limits) to be eligible for the Ouachita Parish School PreK program.